Happy Valentine’s Day With 1950s & 1960s Newspaper Ads

Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day. Here are some fun newspaper vintage ads from the 1950s and 60s to celebrate the day. Enjoy!

We’re feeling very vintage with this old style advertisements.  First up, who doesn’t love the gift of perfume?  Oh to be a Valentine in the 1950s with Chanel No. 5 for only $3.50!

Vintage Chanel #5 ad

Does anyone out there remember long-distance telephone service?  This vintage ad promoted calls to your sweetie for only $2.00 (+10% federal tax).

Vintage valentine's day advertisement from newspapers

Mmm, Russell Stover candy still warms my heart.  Growing up in Kansas, Stover was the gourmet chocolate.  Did you know that Russell Stover was the first candy company to use heart-shaped boxes for Valentine’s Day?

Happy Vintage Valentines Day from Russell Stovers

If you are a fan of vintage ads that are a bit odd.  I guess getting Valentimed is better than getting two-timed.

Valentines Day vintage ADVERTISEMENT

Love this mid-century ad with a heart sketch and some bracelet bling.

1950s Valentine's day advertisement for bracelets

There’s nothing like a passbook savings account to warm a girl’s heart. 

Valentines Passbook Savings ad 1962

A hat?  We couldn’t agree more!

1950s hat advertisement for valentine's day


MadgesHatbox top vintage blog

Check out this fun blog post from Chowhound on Valentine’s Day chocolates.

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