Vintage Monet Jewelry

Vintage Monet Jewelry: Classic Designs with Lasting Appeal

Shop vintage Monet jewelry.  Our collection features an array of pieces, from classic necklaces and sophisticated bracelets to exquisite earrings. Each item reflects Monet’s signature style, offering a blend of luxurious detail and vintage charm. 

Shop our entire collection of Vintage Monet Jewelry

Discover unique, standout pieces from Monet that add a touch of refinement and classic appeal to any outfit.  Embrace the legacy of Monet’s artistry with our curated selection of vintage jewelry.

Monet found its design direction in the 1940s when Edmond Mario Granville joined the company as the principal designer. Known for its triple-plated jewelry, Owner Michael Chernow developed many innovations in the manufacture of costume jewelry.  He patented a design for clip earrings that made them much more comfortable plus another design for continuous metal bangles.  All of our vintage jewelry is one-of-a-kind.

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