Madge Is On The Road

Yay! I’m leaving for a two-week vacation.
Uh oh, I still need to pack.

It’s been a while since Mr. Madge and I have gone on a road trip.  Not sure if I should say where, but here goes, it’s Park City, Utah.  From Savannah, it’s four days in the car.  Oh, and the new rescue dog is coming along as well.  

Wish us luck. I will overpack.

I’d love to say hi, Let me know if you are on our route. 

For those who don’t know, MadgesHatbox Vintage is me and only me.  I’m the CEO, Chief Marketing Officer, Buyer, Photographer, Shipping Department, and Head Bottlewasher.  So, I’m taking one more break before the busy holiday season.

My husband is already packed with plenty of room to spare. While I work to shut my overstuffed suitcase, he will look at me and shake his head.

My snappy retort, “I need options. After all, I have a vintage reputation to maintain”. Of course, he will be the one to forget something.  But I hear they have stuff in Utah.

If you are interested in checking in on our trip, I will be posting on the Madge Instagram account at

I hope to score some interesting vintage along the way.

By the way, the photo at the right is from my Grandmother Madge’s photo album.  Don’t you just love she’s wearing pearls for her donkey adventure?   I’ve created a nifty postcard collection from her album.  Check it out in the shop here.

While I’m on vacay, the shop is open.  Items will ship starting September 12, 2022.  
To ease your delayed gratification, here’s another 10th anniversary $10.00 coupon for you to spend NOW.

I’m torn about sending emails while I’m away, but I’ve packed my MacBook just in case. So, you may see a fresh email from you-know-where.

See you in a couple of weeks with some fabulous vintage arrivals I’m really excited to share with you.  In the meantime, here’s the coupon code for $10 off!  

Love & Hats Madge

Photos copyright © 2022  MadgesHatbox Vintage.  We are a proud member of Got VintageCheck out their website.

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