Oxfam Secondhand September

Madge is joining with Oxfam this month for SecondHand September (#SecondhandSeptember) to encourage shoppers to purchase vintage or gently used fashion instead of new. According to the Oxfam website:
“Every week 11 million items of clothing end up in landfill. Throwaway fashion is putting increasing pressure on our planet and its people – it’s unsustainable. Now there’s something you can do to help. Join Secondhand September and pledge to say no to new clothes for 30 days.”
We've Taken the Pledge
We’ve taken the pledge and so can you. As an incentive, MadgesHatbox is offering a 20% discount, storewide, during the month of September. Plus, we will donate a portion of every sale this month to Oxfam, known for their work in disaster relief, clean water projects, and antipoverty initiatives.
Vintage is Sustainable Fashion
We have preached sustainable fashion for years. Burberry’s infamous destruction of $37.1 million of product in 2018 bought the issue of unnecessary waste to the forefront, galvanizing many in fashion to finally start doing something about waste in their industry. Shoppers are also now asking how and where items are made.
Buying vintage is such a win-win, exquisite clothing, hats and accessories for you plus reduced waste for the planet. Of course, vintage clothing sizes do not fit everyone, but there are so many other types of vintage that everyone can sport including, hats, handbags, accessories and jewelry, all of which reduces the landfill pipeline.
Your Unique Style
Not only does wearing vintage help the planet, vintage pieces are better made than new and a much better value for your money. The diversity of styles, eras and types of vintage lets you add one-of-a-kind pieces to complete your own unique style. As Madge likes to say, “Vintage always has a story to tell, you only have to listen.”
So, show off your vintage this month on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #SecondHandSeptember. For residents of Great Britain add OxfambGB to your caption to be eligible for a weekly prize drawing from Oxfam. See Details here.
And shop MadgesHatbox Vintage. Saving planet has never been more fun.