Mad Hatter in Chicago
[ Livin' La Vida Vintage ]

A Chicago Mad Hatter

A Chicago Mad Hatter

Since starting her vintage business, Madge has made some amazing connections. The one closest to her heart is all her wonderful new friends in the world-wide hat-loving community. A big part of that community is the Mad Hatter Society on Facebook, a very passionate group of m...

Tags: a chicago mad hatter, Frank Palma, G. Howard Hodge, John Fredrics, laddie northridge, Lilly Dache, livin la vida vintage', living la vida vintage, Mad Hatter Society on Facebook, madgeshatbox, milliners, millinery, Raymond Hudd, vintage hats
national Hat Day
[ Livin' La Vida Vintage ]

Happy Hat Day from Madge

Well, the festivities are over and the National Hat Day decorations are finally put away for another year. One of Madge's favorite parts of this annual tradition is fellow hatters who post their photos from the day on her Facebook page.   Here's some of her Happy Hat Day favorites.Wendy in Gig Harbo...

Tags: happy hat day, livin la vida vintage', living la vida vintage, mad hatters on facebook, madgeshatbox, madgeshatbox vintage, milliners, millinery, national hay day 2017, vintage fashion, vintage hat, vintage hats
Scooba Update
[ Madge's Story ]

Scooba Update – Progress at Last!

Scooba Update - Progress at Last!  When visiting Scooba last year, the downtown was in ruins.   What was once a vibrant commercial district now was literally falling down.


Now I'm pleased to report that a group of concerned citizens has formed the Scooba Focus Group to foster economic g...

Tags: etsy, etsy creative origin story, finding madge, livin la vida vintage', madgeshatbox, milliners, millinery, origin story, scooba mississippi, vintage